When I experienced four miscarriages in a year-and-a-half, I felt lost, hopeless, alone, with nowhere to turn. I wanted to feel understood and hope that somehow, some way, some day, I would be able to move forward.
This journal is your handheld guide to moving forward through the arduous experience of miscarriage grief. No matter the length of your pregnancy, your loss matters. Your grief is valid.
Not a traditional prompt-and-fill-in-the-space journal, this immersive, guided experience validates your emotions, meets you where you are, and supports you through your journey.
Because this IS a journey. Your journey. You get to walk it at your own pace, in your own way. I’ll hold your hand along the way.
I will help you process your emotions and work through practical decisions as you learn to live with this new normal. Mourning Retreat will help you find yourself again, in your time, as you’re ready.
Grief will not always be your center.
Inside you’ll find:
- Validation
- How to Develop a Support System
- Overcome Guilt
- Who Should You Tell?
- Dealing with Hurtful Situations
- When Grief Is No Longer Your Center
- Trying to Conceive After Loss